Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gaddafi dead photo

Ruled with an iron fist ... Muammar Gaddafi.People celebrate outside the Libyan embassy in Knightsbridge, London.Muammar Gaddafi, pictured in 1977 with then Cuba Leader Fidel Castro.Killed in Sirte ... Muammar Gaddafi.Bloody end ... An injured Muammar Gaddafi, covered in blood, is pulled from a truck by NTC fighters in Sirte in this still image taken from video footage.Jubilation .... anti-Gaddafi fighters celebrate the fall of Sirte.Last stand ... an anti-Gaddafi fighter points at the drain where Muammar Gaddafi was reportedly hiding before he was captured.Gaddafi dead ... Libyans celebrate at Martyrs square in Tripoli.Libyan National Transitional Council fighters hold what they claim to be the gold-plated gun of the ousted Libyan leader.End of an era ... Muammar Gaddafi is dead.
Arguing: Gaddafi pictured minutes before he was killed
Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi was killed today
Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi was killed todayTerrified: Gaddafi pleaded for his life after he was captured by rebel fighters
Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi was killed today
GaddafiPleading: Muammar Gaddafi was killed todayA day Libyans fought for: Gaddafi's eyes are closed and mouth firmly shut as preparations are made for his burial New pictures released today show Gaddafi's scarred corpse on the floor of a freezer where it is being kept before a burial Gaddafi lifts a hand to his face to see the blood pouring from his wounds. The mobile phone footage shows the dictator slumped against a jeep but still alive Grimacing in pain: A still from a video taken from the mobile phone of a rebel fighter shows Gaddafi, his face covered in blood, being dragged around by freedom fighters
This still image from YouTube courtesy of CNN shows Gaddafi's final moments
Bloodied Gaddafi's final moments were captured on a mobile phone videoGaddafi's youngest son led his own feared army unit, the Khamis Brigade, which was infamous for torture and intimidation. Killed in fighting during the fall of Tripoli.A lieutenant colonel in the Libyan army, Mutassim fled to Egypt after masterminding a failed coup against his father. Killed in the assault on Sirte, according to NTC officials.Violent and abusive, Hannibal was accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend in Paris in 2005 and was arrested for assaulting two servants in a Geneva hotel, but ran back to Libya after being released on bail. Laid back: Gaddafi poses on a sofa with two of his sons, believed to be Mohammed, left, and Saif, right, and his daughter, Ayesha The fall of the Gaddafi clan: Colonel Gaddafi, left, and, it is thought, his son Mutassim, centre, were both killed on the attack on Sirte today. Saif al-Islam, his heir, right, is thought to have been wounded
Chaotic: Gaddafi was pushed around by rebel fighters, one of whom filmed the incident on a mobile telephoneStruggle: Video footage shows Gaddafi being hauled off a rebel fighter truck minutes after his capture

Gheddafi morto Pictures

Gheddafi morto

Muammar Abu Minyar Abd al-Salam al Qadhdhafi era nato il 7 giugno 1942 a Sirte da genitori musulmani nomadi di umili condizioni appartenenti alla tribu’ di Qaddafia. Poco si sa dell’adolescenza del futuro colonnello Gheddafi se non che frequento’ le scuole coraniche di Sirte e poi l’accademia militare di Bengasi iniziando la carriera militare nell’esercito libico. Il 1 settembre 1969 guida il colpo di stato contro il re Idris I ed il suo Governo e si pone alla guida del Consiglio del Comando della rivoluzione autopromuovendosi colonnello.
Una volta al potere Muammar Gheddafi assume il comando e abolite elezioni e partiti trasforma il suo Governo in una dittatura sebbene nel suo operato si sia intravista una ‘terza via’ alternativa al comunismo ed al capitalismo.
I provvedimenti adottati da Gheddafi a tutela del proprio popolo ai danni dei cittadini appartenenti ai Paesi colonialisti e oppressori come Italia e Israele, fecero si’ che egli diventasse il beniamino del suo popolo. Ancora oggi il 7 ottobre in Libia viene festeggiata la giornata della vendetta che ricorda il sequesto avvenuto nel 1970 di tutti i beni degli italiani in Libia e la loro espulsione dal Paese.
Successivamente Gheddafi in posizione antisemita e antiamericana appoggio’ piu’ o meno apertamente vari movimenti rivoluzionari, dall’ Olp all’ Ira e a lui vengono attribuiti anche diversi gravi attentati terroristici.
Dopo il 2000 un nuovo cambiamento di rotta porta la Libia a riavvicinarsi al mondo occidentale, agli Usa (che tolgono la Libia dalla black list dei ‘Paesi Canaglia’) e all’Italia. Parecchi sono i lati oscuri che circondano la figura e l’operato del Rais come l’ultimatum che gli venne dato (e da lui accettato) quando venne scoperta una nave carica di armi di distruzioni di massa.
Poi quando a seguito dei fermenti e aneliti di liberta’ che attraversano molti Paesi islamici dell’Africa contagiano anche la Libia, Gheddafi all’inizio del 2011 reagisce con la sua consueta violenza provocando la reazione di tutto il mondo occidentale che ne chiede l’incriminazione per ‘crimini contro l’umanita’.
Ora con la sua morte si conclude ufficialmente la Guerra Civile Libica.

Gheddafi mortogheddafi ucciso
gheddafi morto
gheddafi morto ucciso il colonello
gheddafi dittatore

Muammar Gaddafi is dead (PHOTOS)

Muammar Gaddafi 

Muammar Gaddafi, who ruled Libya from 1969 until August this year, has been killed by forces loyal to the country's new government. The Libyan government has confirmed his death. Gaddafi 69, was reportedly found hiding in a drain outside Sirte, where he and and others had taken shelter after their convoy was hit by a Nato airstrike as it attempted to escape. A spokesman for the National Tranisitional Council – Libya's ruling body – said Gaddafi was alive when captured but died in an ambulance on the way to hospital.
• Confusion surrounds the fate of other members of Gaddafi's family and inner circle. An NTC representative said up to 17 senior members of the Gaddafi regime have been apprehended or killed. There have been reports that his sons Mutassim Gaddafi and Saif al-Islam have been killed but other reports say Mutassim has been captured alive and that al-Islam has fled.

Muammar Gaddafi is dead
Muammar Gaddafi is deadMuammar Gaddafi is deadMuammar Gaddafi is dead